7 Marietta Avenue - Mount Joy, PA 17552                   717-653-5888
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Visiting a church for the first time can be a stressful situation.   Many questions come to mind like "when is the service? Where do I park? What do I wear?"  In order to ease this stress we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions so you know exactly what to expect.  If you still have questions after reviewing this page, please contact us.
1.) What time is the service?
Church service begins at 11:00 A.M., except for summer service (June through August) which begins at 10:00 A.M.
2.) How long does the service typically last?
Typically, the service will last between 40 minutes and an hour. 
3.) Do you have accomodations for children?
Nursery care is available for infants and young children through age 3.  The nursery is right inside the front door of the church.   Junior church provides an opportunity for children (up to and including 4th grade) attending church to leave for a bible based story and craft activity.  If your child prefers to stay in church with you, there are activity bags hanging under the tables in the back of the santuary for him/her to use during the service.  Following the service, please return the bags to the hooks.   
4.) Where do I sit?
Anywhere you would like.  We are always happy to have guests and visitors and we do not have "assigned seats" .
5.) What should I wear?
That is completely up to you.  There is no specific dress code. 
6.) Where should I park?

Parking during the service is available directly behind the church as well as along the street and in the parking lots of Sloan's Pharmacy and Union National Bank.  Click here for a diagram showing the various parking options. 

7.) Do I need to stand or kneel?  If so, how do I know when?
An usher will provide you with a bulletin when you enter.  In the bulletin, there is an asterisk beside the times when those who are able may stand.  We do not kneel. 
8.) Do I need to say anything during the service?
There are times when the congregation will read from the bulletin or recite prayers.  This information is clearly indicated in the bulletin. 
9.) Is there anything special I need to do?
All that we ask is that you sign our guest book at the back of our church.  We hope you enjoy your visit and join us again.